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Insurance Bad Faith

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Miami Personal Injury Attorney For Insurance Bad Faith / Brumer & Brumer Most reputable insurance companies process and pay out legitimate claims in full and in a timely manner. However, there are exceptions.

When a policyholder is given the run-around by an insurance company, that conduct can be considered bad faith and could cause the courts to award a separate monetary amount to the victim.

The impetus on the part of the guilty insurance companies is always their bottom line. A disreputable insurer that feels it can get away with not paying a claim to save money will set in motion any number of stall and obfuscation tactics to carry out its plan.

When this happens, it is vital to retain the services of qualified and fearless personal injury attorney who possesses the resources and savvy to take on the insurer. Unlike most of the cases on which Brumer & Brumer works, physical injuries are not required for insurance bad faith. Rather, these types of cases involve economic hardship sustained by the victim.

Insurance companies are required by law to assess every claim objectively, promptly, free from bias, and in a fair manner. If you believe your insurance company has failed in any one of these regards, you likely could have ground to sue for bad faith.

Brumer & Brumer is a storied Miami Personal Injury Law Firm with a long history of taking on companies with deep pockets and rich reservoirs of cash and other assets. We are zealous and principled in the representation we provide, stopping at nothing to ensure justice is meted out for our clients.

Insurance companies should never willfully or knowingly undervalue a claim or delay payment of benefits in an attempt to make an insured party forget about the matter.

They should also never engage in stall tactics when it comes to remitting payment so that they may continue earning interest off those monies. And they should never deny a legitimate claim simply for the sake of greedily profiting off an insured party.

If you have been victimized by any of the aforementioned deceptive practices on the part of your insurance company, we encourage you to call Brumer & Brumer, a top Miami personal injury law firm, today.

Insurance companies have a reputation for being large and powerful entities. While that may be true some of the time, you should never feel defeated or intimidated by your insurer. There is avarice and thievery in just about every nook of the business world in South Florida.

The attorneys at our law office never charge a fee for an initial consultation and we never receive payment for the work we do on cases unless our clients get paid first.

If you believe you have been the victim of Insurance Bad Faith, we will fight to recover your out-of-pocket expenses, as well as monies for your emotional distress. Brumer & Brumer encourages you to call us today.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.