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Burn Injuries

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Miami Personal Injury Attorney For Burn Injuries / Brumer & Brumer Few injuries in the world are known to be more painful than burns. Whether the burn is the result of direct fire or the touching of an object that is excessively hot, the agony brought about by a burn injury can be downright tormenting.

Uncomfortable as it may be to merely think about, burns have the potential to melt away human skin and destroy internal organs. Superficial facial and other disfigurement, while unsightly, could be the least of a burn victim's problems.

It should go without saying then, that burn victims can easily be traumatized for the rest of their life, and require enormous therapy and rehabilitation to regain whatever semblance of their life that is possible.

The American Burn Association estimates that there 450,000 people were treated for burns and burn-related injuries at hospital emergency rooms in 2012.

Moreover, in that same calendar year, there were a reported 2,550 deaths from residential fires in the United States, as well as 300 deaths from motor vehicle fires, and 150 deaths that were the direct result of either smoke inhalation or flame burns in non-residential settings.

While it is believed by industry experts that more than half of all burn-related injuries are avoidable, it is important to know that you have a trusted and qualified personal injury lawyer on your side, should you become another statistic.

Any employee who works in a high-risk environment, such as a chef, cook or kitchen prep worker, or a gas station attendant, should know that they are vulnerable to becoming a burn victim. Parents, too, should act responsibly in not allowing their kids to play with matches, as that is known to cause more than one-third of all fatalities among preschool-aged children.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a burn accident through the fault of a third-party, such as the proprietor or operator of a restaurant or other public venue, or any other business owner, we encourage you to call the Miami personal injury law firm of Brumer & Brumer today.

Our attorneys will work on your behalf to ensure the negligent party is made to pay for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, destroyed property, missed income opportunities, and loss of enjoyment.

The physical scars and mental harm left behind after a burn accident can never go away. Nonetheless, a financial settlement could make all the difference in the ability of a burn victim to receive the necessary treatment and care necessary to become a productive and active member of his or her community.

If you have been injured as the result of a burn accident, our Miami personal injury lawyers welcome you to call us to determine if we can achieve a financial award on your behalf.

There is never a fee to meet with us to discuss the merits of your case, and we only get paid if our clients do.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.